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leadership journey

#mymentordalecarnegi #LeadershipDevelopment #Theleaderinyou #sunitanlplife Communication Saga.... All the brilliant ideas in the world are worthless if you dont express  them. Communication doesn't have to happen in the conference rooms. It can be informal too. It can be walking around, walking through the premises. Over a coffee "eyeball to eyeball" communication, direct and informal. "Bottom trawling " Is going to the bottom of the organization and asking, what's really going on? The need for effective communication doesn't stop at the office door in fact it extends to the home, to the school, to the market,even to the halls of science , any place where people meet with people. communication is then key. 🔑 We have to master this very basic human skill -the ability to talk and listen to others. The idea of having a regular forum for ' family 👪 communication' is the best practice. Be open to other people - above, below and beside.
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Personal development for a Child

#campuscoachsunitha  #lifeskills  #Mindfulness  #awareness  #LifeCoach  Personal Development for any child is to grow and develop as normal as  connecting and responding  to their environment. To the level where it is easy for them to talk, say, express their needs to the people around them and getting things done from them is the success  for a child.  To play in a fun manner with a smile and joy is the way to social skills. Let your child go out as much as possible to see the world around them.  Let them pick words, expressions and language from the family, friends,  parents,neighbours  and people around.

steps in Ledership

"The first step towards success is identifying your own Leadership Strengths" Nothing could be easier than failing to communicate condescendingly, contradicting, berating, demining treating other people as if "I am the boss and you just work here" 1.Barking rights were thought to be a natural perrogative of executive positions for years. 2.Loudness was equated with tougheness. 3.Stubbornness  was equated with superior knowledge.  4.Argumentativeness  was equated with honesty . 4.we should all  be grateful those days are finally coming to an end, it's time to break all the down . 4.if you are at any position and need  to pass anything then do it right there instead of through different medium.  5.The ability to communicate well is what lights the fire in the people . 6.Thus  we can turn great ideas into action and we can make all achievements possible.  Communicating well is not that complicated as we all do it daily since ages.  Ways to start ....  Make Communic

let the leader in you get into action

#leadershipdevelopment #TheLeaderinYou #readingtime #readingDaleCarnegi #Mylearning #Sunitanlplife #lifecoachsunita "Computers are  going to be the bicycle of the mind " How true the words of a great business leader  Steven Jobs. What a vision to create a need for computers by commoners when it was for very few nerds at that time. classic example of how to keep your eye intact on Vision and communicate it to all  everytime possibly. Live, breath and talk your vision to all dont  get backed down for anything little. This makes you a dynamic leader ahead of time and all. always remember the best experts in the world are your OWN employees. As they own the business in and out. Take a positive feedback .set them free to talk and do. A leader must first have to develop a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization. Thus the leadership techniques that will work best for you are the ones you nurture inside. Happy leadership ahead.. ❤️🌹

Concept of Ledership

2. The leader should   ..... Look at the things from the other person's perspective like worker, customer, vendors etc.  Be very honest and sincere while appreciating the efforts of others.  Be genuinely interested in the work done by others.  These three basic human relations principles  lead a leader as authentic as the sun and moon.  It is seen that people get paid just because they have the ability to manage and handle people,  Recognising the work done by your teammate and appreciating it wholeheartedly, really makes you a real leader.  Being Sporting with your team is a  very powerful ability to appreciate and admire the good in people around you.  How we handle and interact with people ,how we make them feel is really really important.  We need to " well lead"  companies by well trained managers today.  it's the need of an hour . it should not be Army platoons.  In fact, leadership  covers to establish a vision for the future, to encourage, to coach and to ment

1. Leadership concept

Leadership starts..  The leaders of today have to establish a real vision  and the sense of values for the organisations they wish to lead.  They have to communicate and motivate as loud as they can above.  Today it is the most important to know and understand the diversified cultural change induced never before in society and in the corporate sector and  throughout all walks of life.  let us understand how we can be more smarter, wider in different ways to include, accommodate ,and complement this change . The leader needs to think quickly and empathetically towards people and the situation around them.  In today's world there are steep hierarchies and rigid job description , we -know- best attitude have been great pointers to make certain necessary changes, transformation in the policy and practice of any organisation.  It should not limit to only HR domain  it has to translate through all around ,within and outside of the company ,thus it becomes a healthy corporate environment

Communication tips for students

Today's take away for  under graduation and post graduation students . These are some basic soft skills that need to be owned by every job aspirants. Communication skill  is the most important above rest. It all starts with presenting your thought process, view points, and attitude towards and around everything. 1.please speak well, crisp and short simple with no jargon so that one can guess about your proficiency for a said job. 2.The way you open any talk you need to be catchy, relatable, convincing ahead. 3.The body of the speech has to be in sequence of what is the topic, why it is important ,how it relates to #communication   topic and its effect , impact with our living. best way to build talk as per above points. 4.Closing need to be appealing, action taking with gratitude and sincere compliments for listeners. apply this and be relaxed go on till you paint your color to your sky #studentsuccess #studentsdevelopment #commmunication #buildyourtalk #softskill