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Communication tips for students

Today's take away for  under graduation and post graduation students . These are some basic soft skills that need to be owned by every job aspirants.
Communication skill  is the most important above rest.
It all starts with presenting your thought process, view points, and attitude towards and around everything.

1.please speak well, crisp and short simple with no jargon so that one can guess about your proficiency for a said job.
2.The way you open any talk you need to be catchy, relatable, convincing ahead.
3.The body of the speech has to be in sequence of what is the topic, why it is important ,how it relates to #communication  topic and its effect , impact with our living. best way to build talk as per above points.
4.Closing need to be appealing, action taking with gratitude and sincere compliments for listeners.
apply this and be relaxed go on till you paint your color to your sky
#studentsuccess #studentsdevelopment


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