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Showing posts from November, 2018

How Disease Originates

Hello, Dear all, Origin of disease or disorders  Resistance power is our natural inner system to fight against any infection or harmful bacteria which tries to manifest our wellness. our resistance power is made through so many cells like WBCS which are nothing but our soldiers they know how to fight how to identify the harmful invasions of bacterias viruses. so that they can very well kill them but when we are under prolong stress condition or negative state. We are never ready or prepare to fight against any undesirable condition. Due  to this our  WBC gets  effects  of either a  suppression or  an over activation or  a confusion. when they are under suppression it leads to health challenges like cancer . when it is under  over activation it leads to allergic health challenges like skin allergy and many more. also when it leads to confusion it cannot differentiate between healthy and unhealthy or beneficial and harmful so it starts attacking our healthy cells

What are the Different Dimensions of wellness

Hello Dear all,  Dimensions of wellness   Our health is manifestation of different dimensions in our life. There are various dimensions of health or wellness most important is emotional dimension really how clearly  we mentioned or  express or  explore our feelings emotions for anything is must if not then it becomes burden for body parts we need to be very quick to resolve issues related with our emotions let it be forgiveness ,forgetfulness or even moving from and switching from involvement ,from any person whom we love. unless we don't resolve the issues related with our emotions feelings we may be easy prey for heart troubles Most important dimension is environmental dimension for wellness in what environment we live we work its very important do we get proper light ventilation oxygen positive vibrations from the place where we were leave so look into the matter if you are places surrounded with natural beauty, birds rhythm of nature we get very positive vibra

निरोगीपणाचे विविध पैलू / Dimentions of Wellness

Secret of wellness

Hello Dear all Secret of Wellness Wellness is a most basic natural  process of life but nowadays it is quite challenging for many .why it is so??? Being healthy or unhealthy is a behavior of a body towards some event or experiences which are really burdening the whole system mentally and physically. make health as your core value so that behavior towards it , will automatically become responsible. Meeting people who are health conscious and going for a walk even with a friend or a  partner will give you more joy of being healthy. When you  don't value your health then your body gives you more and more signals to get the attention so that it can make you alert and aware to do something as quick as possible to change the situation. Wellness is a product of our State if it's positive then we are  healthy and if it is negative then we are unhealthy . let's understand what determines our wellness . friends many a times there are so many issues or events whi

How to handle negativity effectively

Hello, Dear All How to handle negativity  Negativity is the worst symptom to the person's ability to create life. it hides our capacity to explore possibility and deserving ness  for everything in life. It is generally associate with looking at what  is not available instead of what is available .if we can't see whatever available to us then how we can go ahead for any work gratify your resources. First thing is to count what resources we have with us and what we need to collect more to make it happen in the most desirable and successful manner. Seeing Possibility...…….. similarly when we don't see possibility of any result and always say it's not possible then our mind tend to behave in the same  manner so that we should get what we are asking if you don't ask for success happiness and results it won't happen.  believe what you Deserve...………... More over we need to believe that we deserve the success happiness and we are worthy of getting thin

How to awaken the giant within

Dear all,  hello, Awakening the giant within...……………. yes  my friend I am talking about  a iceberg which we really can't see as a whole . we only see the tips still we can feel the hugeness and giantness of it. Same way same our mind exist.  The tip of  our mind is conscious mind and  The hidden part is our subconscious mind.most interesting is , this mind works 24*7 like our breath give any task and it will work continual on that to make it happen.  everything exceptional is done through this part  .Thus subconscious mind  is called as the giant within but do you have your giant awaken?  if not , make efforts to awaken the giant within.  How...………. Most of time we say/ ask anything so casual to our mind may be suspicious or doubtful instruction   also  it  don't have the needed  determination  and things don't  work or happen. but when we put our  subconscious mind and positive  command and action .it  goes  hand in hand . it's a c

How to deal with depression

Hello Dear all, Depression :- how to deal /Kill it. Concept..... Depression means lack of expression , the person who is not able to express his feelings , emotions at the right time with the right person is called as in depression Reasons...…….. There are so many reasons for it like loss of near and dear ones lack of performance as per expectations of self and others. Lack of significance in life or any event or incidence of rejection from our life. Lack of acceptance and love can also be the reason for depression. Effects...…. When person is in depression behave as if there is no energy no hope no enthusiasm no initiative to talk to do to move in life ways to get rid of depression ………….. first we should look back and see what I have learnt where I stand now how can I match with the required criteria and  just take a little step to do something for somebody unconditionally it can be service to underprivileged or aged ones who are looking for so

Success mantra

Dear all,  Success Mantra.......... Concept...……………………………. We all are striving for a success . success can be anything like achieving health, getting so much wealth having great friends getting attention and recognition from society and power. Dimensions...………………… So it Varies  with person to person . Success is the only benchmark which make us more contented in our said endeavors.  We all work for success it gives us satisfaction and contentment. The main concern how to develop success in our endeavor is mainly depend on how we contribute to our said job and  offering  creativity and energy more than ask. Ways to do...………………..  When you work not for money but more than money paid to you it is your dedication and commitment .  Then you are always wanted by everybody  along in the process of team building.  Nobody would like to skip/miss  you . from here you will always wanted by everybody as you offer more than ask.  This is Japanese philosophy