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Secret of wellness


Dear all

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Secret of Wellness

Wellness is a most basic natural  process of life but nowadays it is quite challenging for many .why it is so???

Being healthy or unhealthy is a behavior of a body towards some event or experiences which are really burdening the whole system mentally and physically. make health as your core value so that behavior towards it , will automatically become responsible.

Meeting people who are health conscious and going for a walk even with a friend or a  partner will give you more joy of being healthy. When you  don't value your health then your body gives you more and more signals to get the attention so that it can make you alert and aware to do something as quick as possible to change the situation.

Wellness is a product of our State if it's positive then we are  healthy and if it is negative then we are unhealthy .

let's understand what determines our wellness .

friends many a times there are so many issues or events which we have not solved ,cleared also it may be  unresolved so to get the attention you are experiencing pain all over. your mind wants to give you some signals or clues  to get attention so to  come out of it. body is very much aware about where the problem is   and why the problem has  occurred the underlying reason for it will be very well understood by your mind that is why it is said wellness is a manifestation of mental and physical state of a person.

so always put more clarity more solutions to get resolved issues and events pertaining to your own context so that it should not be bothering you by giving  symptoms like headache ,anger ,fever, migraine acidity body pain . The best solution is do not get under the experience of somebody as a generalized truth ,distort it as per your experience rather than just accepting it .

everything happens for a reason to give some clues so work on it personally.

It's more than our faith in what we do for attaining health . Many times small trick do wonders instead of fancy medicine.

When any health challenge aries just think it as a temporary and one thing not for the whole life . Now think how  it will reduce or remove instead of its exaterated and  associated side effects .

just by thinking you are attracting more and more think wisely.

Steering in a peaceful place to open a dialogue with inner self and integrating both your minds in a harmony will create magic.

Let your subconscious mind understood the decision of cure and prevention of any disease and disorder. Daily improvement towards small changes in eating, resting, exercising and thinking more positive and positive will get you at new level of  health achievement .

With Love,



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