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Showing posts from October, 2018

How to develop strategy to fight your own limiting doubts

Dear all  Hello How to develop strategy to fight your own limiting doubts Concept- This is really important to remove our own limiting doubts as these are almost self killing weapons . State of uncertainty is a doubts.It limits us in exploration of opportunities in business and life. Identification of Root causes..... we need to identify which are my doubts ?what is the root cause? How People don't think like my  way and what are their benefits from it .so let me win over my doubts. Refer cations….. Self limiting doubts generally pull us back. If we want to overcome it ,we need to redesign our believe system in the most positive & practical way. Ask yourself Which are the new believe I need to redesign into my life  and add this one by one by programming your mind. Here NLP will work like magic to develop new sets of believe system which will be helpful to carry on our responsibilities very well. We can role model somebody's success So that it wil

strategize for bounce back in relationship.

Dear all, How to  strategize for bounce back in relationship. Concept...….. It's very important to bounce back in any relationship. we can't  break up the things and trying to develop new relationship every time. because every new relation need nurturing lot of care affection love and understanding so already developed relationship we cannot sacrifice at the cost of some misunderstanding or some miss behavior of somebody who has not yet learn the value of relationship. Dimensions………... In this case we can always take or give some time  to any person to get along required maturity and understanding so that we can enjoy better relationship When we lost somebody from our life we do forgive and we commit to live our self to the expectation of that person. So why not we should offer the opportunity to develop relationship when we are living together. In Personal Relationship...………. When it comes to relationship with a person who is nagging, irritable and creating hu

How to get rid of anxiety from life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Dear all , How to get rid of  anxiety from life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what it is -Anxiety...…………………. Its a bug which engulfs our energy and hope to lead life. anxiety is the most worst hidden infection which kills life itself. how to handle ,manage and control and above all to get rid of it from life is most tough job for many. lets talk about it...…………….. Origin of it...………... Anxiety , most of time is created by our own mind and  pattern of thinking ,behaviour towards something or someone. sometimes its a outcome of  accidental loss of somebody whom we love most and dependent someway may be emotionally or physically. Expectation goes wrong not fulfilled by most loved people. it may be our own manifestation dissatisfaction of our own performance . How to get rid...…………….. 1.first accept the reality that anxiety is a part of your life since few days not from your birth. 2..if you can realize your life have moved from no where  to somewhere and still yo

HOW TO Establish Your Core Values.

Dear all,                             How to establish your core values.  "We all exist in our core values reflecting  through our behaviour" Values we adopt from our parents and family, surrounding and social environment we live in. T hat's why it's important to make and maintain a great platform for imbibing values to our children. Values are the most important pointer for our subconscious mind to provide any reference for behaviour towards people, situation and condition n our whole life. Values we nurture in our subconscious mind will definitely shape up our destiny and future success throughout. B eing human let's offer the best weight to values like Love, Understanding, Freedom to each other and see the magic turning 360 degree for our personal relationship and life. When it comes to our professional life we need to follow values like Commitment irrespective of odds.  Dedication towards the result and positive effects

How to use Power of Visualization

Power of Visualization Dear all, Today i am throwing some light on how we can be best visitor to our internal world. lets see where and how are our best feelings ,images and  sound are lying.  lets produce more of echoes of this in life.  how beautiful to connect and relate with our own references by images,sound,feelings. have you  observe  sometime when we are not able to keep order with our responses.  what to do with one self? Y es just do some visualization. i mean revisiting your experiences in terms of images. How?  just imagine actively about whatever you want to bring in your life.  it will increase your sensitiveness towards life. observe the most energetic experience of your life ,see your level of positive energy and  state and  go further and  further to reach peak of it. This boosted feeling count again and with more bolder, brighter,bigger way or picture. AGAIN and AGAIN  do EXPLORING MOST OF this EXPERIENCE IN DIFFERENT WAY NOW. Bes

@ Life is beaautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, Dear all     Life is beautiful!!!!!!!! Life comes once make it or break it.  Its our choice to make life the way we want dont be dependent on anybody  for making your life happy.  Happiness is a state create it by doing more worthy and valuable work for yourself, for others ,for family ,society and the one who are looking  support ,help and handholding . All great life and people confirms that they reach from scratch to top what we call success , fame and respect by contributing for the better and greater cause. Choose the work you always wanted to do . Make most of your resources come out from within like love, affection, service and understanding towards everything and every one . Create a magic with these ingredients and see life is simple and beautiful to live and lead. With Love  Sunita Bandekar.

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