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strategize for bounce back in relationship.

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Dear all,
How to  strategize for bounce back in relationship.


It's very important to bounce back in any relationship. we can't  break up the things and trying to develop new relationship every time. because every new relation need nurturing lot of care affection love and understanding so already developed relationship we cannot sacrifice at the cost of some misunderstanding or some miss behavior of somebody who has not yet learn the value of relationship.


In this case we can always take or give some time  to any person to get along required maturity and understanding so that we can enjoy better relationship
When we lost somebody from our life we do forgive and we commit to live our self to the expectation of that person. So why not we should offer the opportunity to develop relationship when we are living together.

In Personal Relationship...……….

When it comes to relationship with a person who is nagging, irritable and creating hurt and pain  and  really difficult to tolerate this kind of situation.
In this case instead of breaking we can always take time to go away from that person.
Also we should not entertain him for any entitlement from us so that he/she  can realize  what is the value and worth of you in his life many times these  people learn through this kind of  exposure and people who don't love them in the process they realize the real value of love so take time
we can make any relationship working irrespective of many odds compared to breaking it into pieces and repenting for new episodes of Broken relationships.

In Professional Relationship 

When it comes to professional relationship we have two roles if we are junior to somebody we need to understand point of view of our Bosses/ authority to contribute positively as a team

If we are senior to someone we need to make them understand all the instructions ,information, comments ,expectation  in a most clear way so that they can develop better results and contribute for success. Developing professional relationship is a honor when it comes to success satisfaction and delightment of work with best people around you.

Thus it is obvious for all of us to put forward sincere efforts to safeguard, to come over again and bounce back in any relationship instead of breaking and trying to develop new relationship every time because every relationship require lot of efforts love understanding to become what we want from it. So work on bounce back strategy.

With Love,

@ Sunita's NLP.


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