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Know Your Emotions Well

Human emotions


Emotion is the root cause of human survival. Internal conscious States that we infer in ourselves and others is called emotion.
Intelligence means the various skills required for enrichment of life.
Some visceral changes lead to some feelings that physiological activation or changes can be seen.
Activation of bodily changes leads to emotions.
Some cognitive arousal also leads to different emotions.
There are two types of emotions like negative and positive emotions.

Positive emotions are 


Negative emotions

Afraid anxiety

Let's Understand.....Like seven days in a week

We do have seven basic emotions like


Mind it well......

We go through any or all these emotions throughout the day, week, month, years Sometimes any out of these may be more prominent in somebody's life. If more positive emotions dominate then life is relaxed and peaceful. if negative emotions are dominating our life more, we required help, meditation, goals, etc. If it is handled well then it leads to success and prosperity.if not lead to difficulty and helplessness.

So do mind your emotions towards more positiveness.......daily.


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