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Showing posts from December, 2018

Winning mindset

Winning mindset Concept- It's always very important to create a winning mindset for any task or work or project Ways to create- The first thing which comes in your mind when works approach to you is "wow let me try" this it is possible" I can do it " This is the way we should place any work in our mind. rather than just thinking about how I am going to do will it happen I don't think it will so all this if and but will create doubt in mind. the second most important thing is how we plan for all the resources required to accomplish any work or job or task .and how we can identify the gap between what we have and what we will need. The detailed planning regarding all the resources like men, machine, money and material in the most appropriate manner should click the mind for what can be done how to do it who can help us and when to do it this way mind gets complete idea about framework  and it will keep you on the best track for makin

Concept of NLP

Hello Friends, Concept of NLP Dear all,   Concept of NLP NLP is the Neuro Linguistic Program:-   It is the Science for Transformation, modification of  any unwanted behavior in anybody also to introduce a  new beneficial pattern. It is psychology based science. its main objective is to introduce a change without any medicine or surgery. One can really get see through effects and results , outcomes  by NLP coaching and Programming. Its a  Practical Neural Science and called as  science of Excellence. NLP means N: Neuro- brain ,mind that is our level of mental, physical,and emotional experiences and events . We register these experiences through our five sense organs like visuals through eyes,audio through ear, taste through tongue,smell through Nose also feelings through skin. L: linguistic - language- These experiences have been framed or translated in our mind by means of some lingual meaning or words or language etc. P: Program or some set of rul

How to Win Over Challenges of Wellness

Hello , Dear all How to Win Over Challenges of Wellness Concept:- We  all  are aware that the only thing is wellness. But we do  ignore and don't  understand the power of our health. What miracles it can create for us? how it will help us and benefit  to be most achieving in life? because every success when we measure it has more percentage of our health which determines our attitude for work and also to do the things .So my dear friend working on  health can be the highest priority in today's world . Once you  have happiness and  if it is devoid of your health it will not really meaningful for you . So whenever you want to enjoy life , the most important parameter is health and that's why it is called wealth . Strategy:  Let us understand how we can make strategy for winning over sickness and illness .Any mind set when put into action is called as strategy . so what strategy should we apply  for health and wellness . It is really dependent on  availabi

How to reprogram your subconscious mind for wellness

Hello , D ear all How to Re program our Subconscious Mind for Wellness  When we want to re program our subconscious mind it is always better to have dialogue first. How to open a communication..... Any disease or disorder condition is a behavior of body towards  something. let's find out what and how it is for that we need to us our subconscious mind 3 most powerful questions and as we know subconscious mind gives answer for all the questions queries raise by us. Let us  take the help of your  subconscious mind and then go to anybody Way to do..... F irst question -should we ask - what is the intention behind this behavior?  S o that we come to know about why and how  disease or disorder condition occurred in our life? Second question - what message do  you want to deliver to me? P lease my subconscious mind allow me to know in the right perspective so that I can correct it well, and   at last we should ask what benefit it will give us by ge